10 Things Nobody Tells You About Becoming A Stylist
Like they say, “You don’t know until you know”. Here are ten things most stylists don’t realize until they become one. ONE Your Credit Score Counts Before I was a professional stylist, I had one credit card with a low limit that I rarely used. Now, 4 or 5 cards later, I have enough

How To Gain Access To A Showroom
The showroom; a magical place for a stylist, a one stop shop of exactly what you’re looking for, providing a haven of options from brands, top designers and indie creators alike. Showroom access is a must for stylists to provide the best options for their clients and projects and to establish themselves in the

3 Ways To Start Styling Right Now
Where You Are, Using What You Have I’ve read all the books and let me save you some time, the most definitive recommendation for success is: Start right now, Where you are, With what you have. You’ve probably heard this advice before in one form or another: That there is no better time

Go Small or Go Home
The truth is, that although I love what I do for a living, everyday is not spent doing what I love. There is a major misconception that once a stylist is getting the jobs that they want, everyday is pure bliss of endless creativity and never ending artistic endeavors. Not. True. Since even the jobs

Common Misconceptions Of Being A Stylist
The parties, the images, the clothing, the glamour, it can all be mistaken for a constant lap of luxury as a fashion stylist. However, a career as a fashion stylist is far from what it is displayed in the media as being. Sure, the final polished product is posh and perfect, but the process of

What You’ll Need BEFORE Your First Gig
Forget the Louis Vuitton, your kit is the most important bag you carry on set, and what you have in it will turn heads faster than any designer handbag will. Building your kit is the FIRST step of becoming a stylist. Before even getting that first gig, you HAVE to be prepared for anything that

You Are Your Only Competition
THE ONLY PERSON YOU NEED TO IMPRESS IS THE OLD YOU Constant comparison is an inevitable hazard of a creative job; creators naturally surround themselves with the work of other artists to admire, reflect and draw inspiration from and in the process have a tendency to compare themselves constantly. Cue feelings of “competition” and “not

Things To Do When You’re Not Booked So That You Can Get Booked Again
Having a day off set doesn’t mean you have a day off from being a stylist or running a business. The off days that you’re not booked can be key to securing future bookings, and how productive you are on these “days to yourself” will directly correlate with how much revenue you bring in. I

Treat It Like Couture, Until It Is
Clothing, garments, accessories, footwear; you need it all (usually in a hurry) to do your job and getting your hands on the right clothing from the right places is not going to happen overnight, but it will happen a whole lot quicker if you, “Treat it like couture, until it is.” The kind of respect

NEVER Make This Mistake With Your Client
” … Making sure this DOESN’T happen is one of the most enjoyable aspects of the job.” It is absolutely amazing how many times I have heard this complaint from clients, photographers and directors alike, which is incredible considering making sure this DOESN’T HAPPEN is one of the most enjoyable aspects of the job. This

What can you do RIGHT NOW for FUTURE you? That’s what working on the business is about, rising above the noise of the day to day that being on the ground in the trenches creates, the volume too loud to hear in your heart what the next step should be. Take the time to work

Work ON it and then Work IN it
Everyone wants more bookings – Bookings get you experience, connections and HELLO! money. But there is more to a career than putting in your hours. Doing only the job you’re hired for is NOT enough to create the career you envision (or that I think you envision for yourself); but having a plan for advancement